Wednesday, 9 November 2011

The Life You Love Today

Have a little faith.
It's all about the life you live today.
It's all about fun and enjoying your surroundings.
It's all about feeling happy and trusting that you can stay centered when things go wrong.

Our life is very stressful if you look at it from a stressful point of view.
If you fail to look at the things in life that add substance to YOU, you'll really struggle day to day.

Stress is a Killer
Many times your asked in life..."Are you alright?" and usually you respond with a rye..."Yes" when you not.
When you were little, if you weren't alright...You'd say, you weren't alright!
Now if you knew that stress wasn't good and it could kill you...
You today may answer the question with a "NO I'm not good." and acknowledge your feelings, deal with it and move on.
Because it feels better. 
Because stress is a killer.
Now little bits of stress now and again aren't bad, but constantly living a daily life in stress can be a health hazard.

Here are 10 ways to live life today loving it and putting stress a bay...
  1. The is number 1. Go to bed early and get at least 7 and half hours of sleep a night.
  2. Eat whole foods
  3. Exercise regularly
  4. Do something you love at least once a day
  5. Meditate
  6. Have faith in yourself and practice loving you.
  7. Look at your world full not empty
  8. Talk and spend time with friends and family
  9. Join a group or volunteer
  10. Organize your life use the great online network  at Cozi
Live your life happy and love it today...Try accomplishing at least 3 of these items per week until you've mastered them all!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Why am I so stressed all the time?

It's been one heck of a hard day, the minute you sit in your chair you begin to relax,
but the stress of getting supper made and play clothes off is insurmountable. You just want to stay glued to the couch and not move...
Though...You really can't move..
Everywhere you turn you can feel that old bubbly feeling inside your gut, just ready to get you nervous again.

The phone rings and you jump...
What the heck is going on?

Why am I so stressed all the time?
The reason you are so stressed all the time is, because  you are not doing what you love or what makes you happy. So anything in your life that is just slightly startling will feel like stress.
Everything in life is slightly startling, so no wonder you are stressed all the time!

I'll tell you what to do with that stress next post...

Find your spot and have a silent couple of moments.
Think about YOU and don't let go...

Thursday, 26 May 2011

Meditation Relaxation Techniques for Children

Indigo Ocean Dreams: 4 Children's Stories Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-Esteem and Self-Awareness
Indigo Teen Dreams: Guided Relaxation Techniques Designed to Decrease Stress, Anger and Anxiety while Increasing Self-esteem and Self-awareness (Indigo Dreams)
Our number 1 people!

Our  children...

Meditation relaxation techniques for children are available now!

Children need something to grasp when life gets so busy with school, friends and life pressures. Children need to learn techniques on what to do when they feel uncomfortable with feelings of worry, anxiety, fear, sadness and anger.

Our children are turning to drugs and alcohol to calm there emotions not realizing that there are better choices out there. Choices that when saying No that leave them with their dignity and not leaving with them with a feeling of not fitting in.

They are taught in the younger years about bullying, peer pressure, to be on guard for strangers and to say NO to drugs and alcohol. It looks like a scary world out there when we have to teach them so much dangers, but for every species there are on the earth there are always dangers that need to be taught!

Meditation relaxation is a technique that is amazing and can turn your child's life around! It's a technique that lets them discover themselves by listening to what's happening deep within and understanding that there really is just more to life then stress.

Stress is a killer in so many ways...
  • It changes our health by causing deceases
  • It causes addictive behaviors
  • It causes uncertainty and failure
  • It prevents you from living the life you want by not achieving and not standing up to your fears.
If children learn young that they have techniques that are tools to prevent stress, then they can live the life of their dreams with limited inhibitions.

Just going on the venture and reading about how meditation relaxes your stress and providing this for you and your children is the first step to changing your life and your family's.

You really have to look at this site, because it provides you with easy tools to get into meditation and bringing positive to your life.  Read all the way through, it provides you with information that is really interesting and encouraging! I highly recommend purchasing this, because of it's benefits and there is no risk!

Click here and try a free Holothink demo NOW!"

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Cure With Meditation

Does Meditation cure? Yes it can with diligence and will you can cure with meditation.

The nudges inside that prompt you to go out and enjoy are the same nudges that prompt you to meditate.
When you meditate you stop the harmful cortisol hormone from going through your body on overdrive.

Your body is poisoning itself when you are constantly going through stress.
You need to listen to yourself and have some down time.

Stress Relief and Meditation is the first place to find the cure to all ails.

Here are 3 Steps to get you going when you are feeling so stressed you can't come down.

  1. Go lie on your bed and take 3 easy breaths..
  2. close your eyes and take 3 easy breaths, but this time make them deeper and slower...
  3. Imagine yourself at your favorite spot with your favorite people...
Make sure that you do not worry about thoughts that come in just relax and feel the essence of what is within you.
Feelings are important in this imagination...Happy relaxing feelings is what you are to aim for.
After 15 minutes get up go for a nice 10 to 15 minute walk casually.
Then go back to work.
You will find your stress is gone and negative comments, feelings, people will not bother you as much.
Practice this every day for a feeling of aliveness.
If you do this often enough your life will change.
Change for the better that is!

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Learn to Meditate for Concentration

One of the most difficult problems that people find in meditating is concentrating. Learn to meditate for concentration so that whenever you need to meditate, concentration becomes a big part of it.
Why are you meditating anyway?

You searched online how to meditate for a reason.
....So that you have more peace in your life and are able to focus on things -in-your-life, that are important to you. You know deep down inside that if you concentrate on this important thing long enough, that good things will come to you.
  • You meditate to get answers
  • to bypass the logical mind
  • to calm you down and let you relax your body and soul
  • to keep you healthy 
  • to take away anxiety, worry and stress
  • to concentrate
 Why do you need to concentrate?

The last one, to concentrate is so important for your life, so that you change your life to the way it's suppose to be...
What does concentrate really mean?
It means to zone in on just one thing and not to be distracted by another. 
Concentration is putting you in a zone and adding imaginary pictures to your mind. You create the feeling of what it would be like to have the very life you always wanted. If concentration is done often enough (daily), the egg of your imagination cracks open bringing you exactly what you wanted! Your life gets better, because it's the birth of what you concentrated on!
Signs to change will be everywhere, drawing you in the direction of positive change!

Learning to Meditate for Concentration

Requires you to follow the regular meditation tips and getting yourself to your imaginary zone.
The zone where you put everything in place that you want in your life into your dream.
Experience this feeling like it is real and replay the important scenes that you want in your life.

You might find yourself smiling...
The secret to getting what you want is wholly imagination and creating that very thing you want. If this is done on a daily basis...You will see changes...This will build your confidence because you are noticing that your life is changing and moving in that very direction that you wanted!
You know it's coming... Your dreams become you're reality!

There is one hump that you have to get over.
It's your will to meditate and stay with the same concentration daily.

You may be so busy to put meditation off.
Let me remind you, meditation relieves stress and relaxes you.
You are doing yourself a favor by creating a better life for YOU.
Meditate today and concentrate on that very thing you want...
Let me know what happens!
Or write it in the comments.

Monday, 16 May 2011

Becoming a Better You Today

 By the time you have finished reading this post you will understand that becoming a better you today and doing this one technique is the only way your life will turn around.

Turn your life around...Why?
You are caught up in the web of life and  some-of-the-things-you- are-doing in your life are not working.

The Most Important way to become a better you, is think of just YOU!

Define in one sentence who YOU really are.

Here is an example: 
I am a six foot tall father and work for a business firm in New York. I love my job, but I wish I had more time to spend with my family and also wish I could play golf more.

If you pick this sentence apart, you will see some interesting points.

Try to find 3 Points that involve feeling... 
  • He is happy because he are a father
  • He is happy because he has a job he likes
  • He is unhappy because he feels he's not fulfilling what he should be doing with his family and missing out on leisure time.
Where is your peace of mind missing in your life?
It's usually just like this one...Right under your nose...     Really!
Look where your life lacks happiness by saying a statement about you.

This is where unhappiness starts if you don't fill in that missing link...
We need a full circle in life to feel we have a good life...

Focusing on this lack and not be able to apply the missing link into your life can cause real havoc in your whole Psyche!
You are doing some great things in your life, and you can feel better about you today.
Take that negative bit physic that's hiding around that little corner in your mind and deal with it today.
Exchange those feelings with positive feelings of gratitude and you will see tiny little things you can change to make you feel better make you feel happier.

How do you change today?
Just by being aware of what you have to change to become better today will move you in a place in life of a better position.
Now it's out in front instead of hiding in your physic.
*Here's the thing, people can't quite put their finger on what is making them so agitated, melancholy or just plain depressed.
It's all in the statement you say about yourself every day.

Imagine the unthinkable...
So this is how Mr Example changes his life...
He takes the family to dinner, play in the park or to a movie.It may only be a short time, but he feels relaxed because he's done something. The negative stress that caused this feeling of lack nice and easily slides off him. Like a rotten old banana in the heat!
Next, he takes his oldest child, children or just his wife golfing.
Imagine the unthinkable...

Today define who you really are!
Your life will change forever!
If you find that you have agitation creeping up your backside again, do this process all over again. This is an excellent technique to work on your whole life in staying balanced and becoming a better you today.
Don't forget to follow Stress Relief Meditation Techniques too!

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

How to feel better about yourself today!

It's one of those things that you feel like your trying to conquer every day,

"How to feel better about yourself today!"

It's hard...
  • you have work that takes up most of your time
  • children that always need you
  • and a mate that's constantly on your back...

To top it off your skin is suffering with:
  • pimples
  • rashes
  • dryness
  • redness you name it.

Your hair is starting to lose it's shine and your teeth losing their luster...
Life sometimes feels like a downward spiral...
You just feel like giving up and curling up into a little ball.

What do you do?
How do you feel better about yourself today?
Relax and I'll fill you in on your options.

First take yourself to the nearest mirror and tell yourself that you are worth it. 
You know... just like the commercial...
It's the only way to start to feel better, you might even get a little chuckle out of yourself!
Second - go to a quiet space, like the bedroom, bathroom or back patio and just breath.
You need to breath to find yourself...
Breathing takes the stress away and makes it easier for you to relax and feel better.

Third - close your eyes and feel the essense of the air traveling in through your mouth and out your nose as you breath.

Fourth - just relax and feel the essence of yourself.
Don't do anything.
Just sit and listen to sounds.

Your alone...
Alone and looking after the very you.
Don't move just relax...
Breath and sit there for about 5 to 15 minutes, just doing this.
When your finished your whole body will thank you for doing this, stress will fall off and all the parts of you that feel it...Like your skin, hair, and teeth.

If you want to live better and love your life, you need to do this quick stress relief meditation to feel better about yourself today.
Doing this everyday for 6 weeks will bring the things that your love and deserve closer into your life.
And that stress that was really causing havoc will of faded away.
Meditation helps you deal with stress.
Meditation helps you deal with life.

Friday, 8 April 2011

Difference Between Meditation and Concentration

What is the difference between meditation and concentration?

Is there a difference between the two?'

Meditation is the act of slowing down the brain so that you can clear your mind of chatter.
Concentration is a state of the mind bringing forth pictures for the mind to ponder and produce thought.
The interesting thing is if you can purposely concentrate during meditation on a moment of imagery that is pleasurable you can actually feel it's reality. The imagination is an amazing thing, much more amazing than you really think, because if you imagine long enough in meditation over numerous days or weeks you can actually make the imagination your reality.

You are actually meditating concentration on  your reality!

If you concentrate on a house at the beach and it is clear enough in your head...imagine...

Those commercials are right to say imagine, because you are bringing happiness and goodness to yourself. You are also making yourself feel better!
You do this every day for months...
Your imagination will come closer to you and the house becomes all of a sudden yours.

 I do have to emphasize clarity of the concentration.
This is where the real difference is between meditation and concentration.
With the breathing and focusing during meditation you are pulling things away from the brain in conjunction to concentrating on putting a desired picture in your head and animating it to make it 'movie like'...
You are putting favorable parts into it and playing with it to clarity.
When this gets concentrated (played) over and over daily..
Miracles happen...
All of a sudden one day you realize you are in that very moment in your animated movie!
Try this and enjoy the fun...You may just get everything you ever dreamed!

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Cd for Guided Relaxation

I really wanted to get this to you, it's a Cd for Guided Relaxation on youtube.
It's just a small part of the videos that Victor Davich has to help relieve your stress
and bring relaxation back into your life.
It's free for you to watch!

Focusing just on sounds!
This video in particular is  Victor Davich performing the 8 minute meditation
called the 'Naked Sound Meditation Technique'
and it involves pay attention to sound.

He guides you through the meditation with sound
and this relaxes you...

I felt a strange feeling about 5 minutes into meditation...

All the sounds in my house appeared to be very loud.
Obviously this was working on my listening sense...
It is pretty cool that focusing on this one sense made me feel
Try this and tell me what you think!
When you go to 8 click the avatar for 8 minute meditation and click the bonus!
The bonus has even more meditations for you for free.

Or find more stuff that you can purchase there!
I can't stand the stress and what a quick way to manage it through guided  8 minute meditations.

BONUS: you can download this track here for FREE

 Victor Davich and is a master in his field for meditation and stress relief.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Meditation and Quieting Your Mind

By the time you have finished reading this post you will have a complete understanding on Meditation and Quieting Your Mind and how easy it is to do! 

One technique is... You simply have to breath!

Your mind is in constant chatter...
Talking about all the things you need to do and what things you have already done. This kind of chatter can add lots of stress to your daily life. This is why  meditation and stress relief are important to your happiness!

Your mind doesn't want to give you a break, you have to learn to consciously turn your mind off!

Turn your mind off!
Try this great exercise and quiet your mind through meditation, breathing, concentration and the act of releasing tension.
Quieting such a noisy mind...When you are at your quiet space close your eyes and let your mind wander...
 Let every thought do it's thing, but be conscious of it's activity.
This can't possibly be you that's created all these thoughts, ponder on this for just a moment...
 It's time for you to focus on your breathing.
Let those thoughts go in and then out with your breathing.
Feel the tension in your neck?
This tension is created by your thoughts. Your thoughts that don't let your mind rest!

Meditate by letting go of the tension starting at your feet.
  • Breath in and stretch your feet by pointing your toes toward you, breath out and let the tension go...
  • Breath in and flex the muscles in both legs, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and tighten up your buttocks, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and tighten your tummy muscles, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and tighten your fists, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and tighten your arms, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and raise your shoulders to your ears, breath out and let them down.
  • Breath in and tighten your neck, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and tighten your smile, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in and scrunch your face, breath out and let it go...
  • Breath in thinking of waves pulling back from the shore, breath out and let them come smashing in...
  • Create an imaginative spot where you'd would love to be...
*Do this activity slowly and really feeling your body releasing the tension.

Your Mind should be starting to quiet during this meditation...
The reason for this is because you are letting go and concentrating on letting go.
Your mind starts to quiet when you let go of the tension in all the parts of your body.
As you do this concentration, you create imagination and pictures that are more pleasurable for you
and your mind.
Once you have created this imagination, your mind has no way of thinking anything else.
You have allowed your mind to quiet and meditation has begun...

Once you get into imagination while quieting your mind...
Try to focus on that favorite place for a couple of minutes and then just breath.
If thoughts come in let them, but don't give them conscious attention.
Let your mind know that it is time to calm and breath and that's all that it will do.

Do this practice of meditation and quieting your mind for15 to 20 minutes.
Related Post: 
Stress Relief Tips for all

Next Post:
I will talk about what concentration really is!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Stress Management Involving Meditation

If you are inundated with stress on a daily basis like most of us, it's time to find some stress management involving meditation.

It's tough when you are trying to enjoy life with your family, but challenges in your every day life wear you down.
You eventually start feeling like a robot with the switch flicked on the 'ON' button and it never turns 'off'! During the night hours you may toss and turn because you have difficulty putting stress away.

I'm going to tell you how to manage your stress and what to do to relieve the stress in your daily life, starting with giving yourself breaks at work or home.

The most important question is:
How do I cope with all the stress?

You are really missing out if you have not allowed yourself to have any down time in your day.
Those breaks that you get at work are the first place to start.
Did you know your work production goes down if you don't take those breaks?
If you are a stay at home mom or dad, make sure you find time at least 15 minutes to just sit and be with yourself. The children will love you for that and your mood will be much happier!

How do you manage the stress? 
With meditation!

Meditating every single day allows your whole body to reboot itself, so that you can function to the best of your ability. 

 Amazing things happen to people who take breaks and meditate daily. You start living your life better then you ever thought capable. You are completely aligned with the things you do in life and also with the people in your life. Hence you become completely happy, because you feel so successful!

What do I mean by the phrase, "Sit and be with yourself?"
I mean do exactly that...Sit and be with yourself...
  • I want you to sit somewhere privately away from children or people at work.
  • Close your eyes
  • Clear your mind, if thoughts come in...Don't worry about them!
  • While breathing place your hand over your belly.
  • Concentrate on the breaths going out while you extend your belly.
  • Drift with the breaths and imagine waves coming in and out of the ocean.
  • Go to your favorite place.
  • Do this for 15 minutes.
After you are finished, you will feel refreshed, you will be able to manage you stress much better and the decisions you make for the rest of the day will come from a calmer mind.
Life will get easier, I promise!.
Next Post:
I will talk about what to do when you can't quiet your mind and what does concentration really mean?

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Meditation and Stress Relief

Meditate and Stress Relief are two thoughts that I think will help bring you clearer choices today. This is especially good if you have difficulty living day to day and trying to carve through the bumps and hurdles of life.
If you knew every day how to make the best choices just by meditating to reducing stress, your life would turn around so quickly it would almost feel as though you were reborn. Your confidence and happiness would sky rocket!

Meditating and Breathing 

You may worry that you are meditating wrong...You wonder if you are breathing right! Meditating and breathing is relaxed breathing the eventually turns to deep breathing. When you sit in your away space breathe as you normally do, close your eyes and listen to your breaths. In and out, in and out like waves in the ocean. If you start to think waves in the ocean automatically your breathing will become deeper and longer. Breathing in your nose and out your mouth. Breathing so your breaths 'in' are deep and your breaths 'out' are long.
It's all about filling your lungs and emptying your lungs.
Once you get into this kind of breathing the stress slides off...

Feeling Your Breaths Meditating 

A great tip to know while you are practicing the breathing is put one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Breathe in and feel your stomach push outwards, breathe out and feel your chest rise from your stomach. Paying attention to your breaths will get you in the rhythm of breathing long slow breaths.

You're already Meditating  

Look, you're already meditating! Just paying attention to your breaths during meditation is the beginning of meditating. You are breathing and fooling your mind...All you are doing is breathing and calming your insides. When the mind is away, so is your stress. Meditating and stress relief is that easy. You can practice this anywhere.

Relieve Stress and Meditate Anywhere 

Sometimes you can be hit with hard and stressful days.
Why not meditate before your day becomes stressful?
Meditate right where you are?

When you practice your breathing you are turning on a switch inside you that stops the grinding of your gears and calms your fears, anxieties and stresses. You can do a mini meditate. Which is calming your breathing and closing your eyes. You will notice directly after you've done this, you are much more relaxed and think so much better.
Have you ever had it when you are in a mess stress with choices, everybody is around you waiting for an answer from you...And almost naturally you close your eyes take a few nice breaths...Then...You open your eyes and the perfect words spit out from your mouth?
Just you doing that action can calm an entire room!
Try it, because you-really-will-love it!
Exercise and Aging Prevent Stress

Friday, 4 March 2011

Stress Relief Tips for All

When the time comes and you don't know where
to turn because the stress in your life is at an all time high, you can relieve stress by using my stress relief tips for all.

Stress Relief Tips

  • Find a place that is away from everyone else
  • Take 3 long deep breaths
  • Close your eyes
  • Get comfortable
  • Pay attention to the parts of your body that are tense.
  • Go for a walk or do your favorite exercise or hobby
  • Talk to a friend you trust
Find a Place Away From Everyone

Go to a place that is away from everyone, like a bathroom or another room. This will let you step
away from the stress that might be around you. This spot lets you calm down.

Take 3 long deep breaths

Take 3 long breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. Try to make them slow and concentrated. Make sure when you breathe in that your stomach extends out - as your breath comes in.
This is a great introduction to Stress Relief and Meditation

Close Your Eyes

Close your eyes to block out the pain of stress and shut out any distractions. Just one minute closing your eyes can do wonders!

Get comfortable

Make yourself comfortable so that your whole body can relax in an ahhh.... moment. You know you are heading in the right direction, if you feel this feeling!
So kick back and take off your shoes!

Pay Attention Your Body That is Tense

Pay attention to what parts of your body that are tense. Maybe you have a headache or sore back, those are signs that you are carrying tension.

Go for a Walk or Do Your Favorite Exercise

Just  letting loose and having fun doing something you love does wonders for your well being!
Go out and have fun, then you can come back and feel relief from life's stresses!

Talk to a Friend You Trust

One of the best ways in relieving stress is talking to somebody about the stress. Friends are great at offering encouragement so that you can move on.

Meditation Reduces Stress
Natural Stress Relief Meditation